
Sunday, June 14, 2020

This is: How I got more clients, more comment and more likes.

As a photographer and as a person who is investing in new entrepreneurship, starting something new is not hard. I mean you get your gear, you open a Facebook, IG, Twitter, and other accounts and you are ready to post and share your work, yes that is the easy part but the hard part is to get clients.

Many times I spent trying to figure out what people want, who my clients are and I've tried to guess their needs but there is a simple fact that is stopping you from getting clients and growing; opportunities! A chance!

People trust services or products when they see Likes and Followers on business pages and REVIEWS are very important. It seems like no one wants to be the very first one to give you a chance to prove yourself. I've been there many times with the " almost" client who in the end didn't call back or just said, " no thank you".

I always play by the book but let's face it, sometimes you have to create your own rules. When I tried to make my business flourish I realized I needed my reviews, so I opted for other people's services to get them, how? I looked into different web pages but I wasn't sure until I tried with first, guess the name made it easier since I really needed someone to help me out. Basically, this person posted a few great reviews in different reviews pages and it did work ! for a considerable time I got around likes and a few DMs asking about my service. This page did deliver.

A short time ago I turned to fiver, I won't share the persons link because Fiverr apparently sabotages people who share their own links many times but the account name is siete7fotos. This person got other gigs where she provides....ready for it? Reviews! likes, comments on social media, and things of that nature, he/she sent me a pic of each review posted. The next thing I knew, I was getting more visits and likes. The service is cheap and a GOOD one!

It comforting to think that I am helping someone earn some money and this person is helping me too. I will recommend both ways to get reviews and attract traffic to your social media pages but remember, getting followers will count on the quality of content too. Remember, Likes and shares don't cost anything! help out a hard working stranger!

How do you get people to visit your pages?

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